Occupational Safety Resources

“The MX3 hydration test unit has proven to be both easy to use and much less invasive than traditional methods whilst delivering the results in a timely manner.

The App is a great visual aid to personnel to get a clear idea of where they are at with their hydration as well as their previous results all at one time.”

– Michael Gibbons | Safety/Emergency Response Coordinator
Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd | Forsterville Gold Mine


1. Short Video – Taking a Measurement (8s)

2. MX3 Hydration Measurement – Local Mode (5m 51s)

3. MX3 Hydration Measurement – App Mode (5m 49s)

4. MX3 Sweat Measurement (5m 37s)

5. Workplace Heat Stress & Hydration Management (13m 15s)

6. How to Avoid Dehydration In the Cold (44s)

7. Firmware Update (1m 26s)

8. MX3 LAB Screen Protector (34s)

Worker Safety

Handheld, easy-to-use equipment allows workers in even the harshest or most remote conditions to track and monitor hydration to ensure their health and safety.


Sports & Fitness

Personalized, instant results allow athletes and teams to track, adjust and monitor hydration to improve performance and prevent injury.



Get lab-based, actionable results on hydration status of soldiers on and off duty. Prevent illness and improve performance when it matters most.