Hydration Tracking Solutions
In a variety of markets – from health care to sports, military to mining – health and safety are vital to employee wellbeing and productivity. MX3’s emerging technology in health care provides point-of-care, immediate diagnostic solutions to one of the key markers of health and safety: hydration status.
MX3 Diagnostics’ revolutionary products offer the key to tracking and understanding hydration, offering point-of-care testing solutions to many common employee, workplace, and performance-related health concerns:
MX3 is providing these emerging technology solutions to a variety of markets. Learn more about markets here.
Worker Safety
Handheld, easy-to-use equipment allows workers in even the harshest or most remote conditions to track and monitor hydration to ensure their health and safety.
Sports & Fitness
Personalized, instant results allow athletes and teams to track, adjust and monitor hydration to improve performance and prevent injury.
Get lab-based, actionable results on hydration status of soldiers on and off duty. Prevent illness and improve performance when it matters most.
A Single Device Runs Multiple Tests
For health biomarkers when you need a result now.
Hydration Testing
Measure the body’s current hydration status immediately and accurately.
Sweat Testing
Measure sweat sodium levels so you can replace lost electrolytes.
Electrolyte Testing
Get a more complete picture of electrolyte levels.
Diet & Nutrition Testing
Track the health markers that will help you maximize your diet and nutrition.
Energy & Endurance Testing
Measure your body’s energy production to optimize your training, health and recovery.
Sleep & Stress Testing
Measure hormone levels and other markers that affect rest and recovery.