What Is This Rule?
OSHA has recently released their proposed rule to reduce heat injury and illness in the workplace. The proposed rule sets out standards to which organisations must abide. The rule states that business must set out a site-specific prevention plan to protect their workers if they meet certain heat indexes. These rules include but are not limited to
- Provide Cool Drinking Water
- Provide Break Areas With Cooling Measures
- Implementation Of Indoor Work Area Controls
- Abide By Acclimatisation Protocols For New & Returning Employees

How Will All This Pan Out?
OSHA estimates that these rules will affect over 36 million employees across the nation and will cost businesses around $3000 each annually. All in all, the administration believes this rule will be a step in the right direction when trying to ensure the safety of those at risk.

To protect those in your workplace from heat stress, ensure adequate hydration using the MX3 System! Get in contact with one of our team members today, email us at:
Australian Team: salesau@mx3diagnostics.com
US Team: sales@mx3diagnostics.com